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Lagoon Nebula


Canon 20Da

Date 23 July 2006
Description The Lagoon Nebula (also know as M8) was discovered by Le Gentil in 1747. You can see this with your naked eye if you look over the "Spout" of the "Teapot" in the southern summer skies. The cluster of stars on the left side of the bright center was discovered in 1680 by John Flamsteed. This is a star forming area of the Milky Way which lies about 5000 light years in the direction of the center of our galaxy.
Processing The picture is a combination of 4 shots, 4 minutes each, at ISO 1600. Taken from our driveway, guided with an ST4 autoguider connected to an AP guide scope sitting on top of my AP 160 telescope. The camera used an IDAS light pollution filter. Pictures aligned, combined and contrast enhanced in ImagesPlus.